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Sound FX
Baby_Giggle.wav Baby_Laugh.wav Bite.wav
Chomp.aif Bluhaha.wav Heart_Beat.wav
Laughing_Mice.wav Witch_Laugh.wav DoorScream.wav
Alert.wav Avast!.wma Deadmen2.wma
Drowning.wma Strikeyo.wma Monte_Python.wav
Open_Drain.au Open_Drain_Jr.wav Giggles.wav
Root_Beer.wav Creeky_Door.wav Haunting.wav
ABC's.wav Bass_Chunks.wav Symba.wav
All_Star.mid Bad_Bone.wav Beethoven.mid
Bolero.mid Casey_Jr.mid Elvis.wav
Fantasmic.mid Foyer.mid Lurker.mid
Oh_Yeah.wav Tocata.mid Yo Ho.wav
Toot1.wav The Fly.wav Toot2.wav
Theme Song.wav The End.wav Motor Boat.wav
Swarm.wav Three Part.wav Wolf Whistle.wav
Fish_Fart.wav - At night, herring squeeze bubbles out of their swim bladders through an anal pore. The action produces distinctive sounds, resembling a person blowing raspberries or farting.